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USA: 2012 PCRM School Lunch Report Card: Results
October 2012
Pinellas County Schools: A+ (100) - State: Florida
2008 Score: A (98)
This is the first time in the 11-year history of the School Lunch Report Card that a school district received a perfect score of 100. Pinellas County Schools has improved its grade each time it appeared on the report card: B (86) in 2003, A- (92) in 2006, A (94) in 2007, and A (98) in 2008. Pinellas’ high score reflects its varied menu, which boasts many healthful low-fat vegetarian entrées five days a week, including vegetarian chili, pasta fagioli, and a Southwest salad....
Source: 2012 PCRM School Lunch Report Card: Results
Author: A Report by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Link: New school rules for healthier lunch food
Link: USDA to allow more meat, grains in school lunches
Link: What’s Happening to School Lunch?
Date: 2012-12-10
Hier gibt es alles, was Veganer und Umsteiger begehren: vom Vegan-Döner bis zu Yams-Riesengarnelen und bunter Seife im Tortenformat.
Le restaurant a ouvert il y a peu et offre des plats végétaliens à la carte.
Le restaurant a ouvert il y a peu et offre des plats végétaliens à la carte.
Gourmandise de fêtes 100% végétalien.
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