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Doha: Forest Groups Denounce False Solutions to Forest Loss at UN Climate Summit

UK alleges it will address drivers of climate change – but aims to subsidise a massive expansion of wood-based biomass industry

Press Release – 6 December 2012

Doha, Qatar - As negotiations failed to finalise an agreement on a controversial forest policy called REDD+ during the ongoing UN Framework Convention on Climate Change talks in Doha, Qatar, forest groups published a letter challenging claims that the drivers of forest change are being addressed by countries within the REDD+ negotiations.

Negotiations on REDD+ turned sour in Doha as developing countries realised they can expect very little funding for this highly controversial forest scheme over the coming years. “The REDD honeymoon is obviously over” states Simone Lovera, executive director of the Global Forest Coalition, who followed the talks...

Source: Doha: Forest Groups Denounce False Solutions to Forest Loss at UN Climate Summit
Author: Global Forest Coalition, Biofuelwatch and Global Justice Ecology Project

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