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European Vegetarian and Animal News Alliance (EVANA)
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Captain Paul Watson - A Long Journey Home and Now The Voyage Begins

December 4, 2012

This week is my birthday week and a wonderful week indeed because I received the best of all possible gifts. The deck of the Steve Irwin is again under my feet. I have an awesome crew and our ship is on course for Antarctica(...)

Four ships with four captains and officers and crew, 120 people from 24 nations: Austria, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Great Britain, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden and the United States.

The objective of Operation Zero Tolerance is to intercept and intervene against the intent of the Japanese whaling fleet to murder 1,035 whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. Our purpose is twofold: to save the lives of whales and to cost the Japanese whaling industry as much as we possibly can in financial losses....

Source: A Long Journey Home and Now The Voyage Begins
Author: Sea Shepherd

Link: Activists convert Japanese boat for whaling campaign
Link: Japan’s phony, wasteful whale research must end
Link: Watson Takes Command of Sea Shepherd Whale Defense Fleet

Date: 2012-12-06


Veganer Döner in Winterthur
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Restaurant Abyssinia
Le restaurant a ouvert il y a peu et offre des plats végétaliens à la carte.
Le restaurant a ouvert il y a peu et offre des plats végétaliens à la carte.
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