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Improving the functioning of the food supply chain

European Commission
Press release
Brussels, 5 December 2012

Every day, numerous operators (EU and non-EU) of the food supply chain deliver safe and diverse foodstuffs and beverages to over 500 million European consumers, representing an average of 15 % of household expenditure. The agro-food sector is a vital economy driver in the EU which encompasses 17 million enterprises in agriculture, the food processing industry and related services. The High Level Forum for a Better Functioning Food Supply Chain, established in 2010, has presented its report today. It shows that around 80 % of the initiatives contained in the Forum's Roadmap have been satisfactorily implemented. The Forum looks forward to a consensus yet to be reached on the best way to implement the principles of good practice put forward last year to improve business-to-business relationships (IP/11/1469). All parties showed their clear willingness to continue discussions in a constructive way and the Commission encourages stakeholders to put forward a satisfactory solution at the earliest opportunity. In parallel the Commission will assess all possible options for tackling unfair trading practices in the food chain, including legislation, and will launch an impact assessment...

Source: Improving the functioning of the food supply chain
Author: EU

Date: 2012-12-05


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