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European Vegetarian and Animal News Alliance (EVANA)
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South Korea, A Dog Eating Nation!

...dogs are deprived of everything that is natural to them

From birth to death, they are imprisoned in deplorable tiny excrement encrusted raised up wire cages, fed rotten garbage with no protection from scorching heat of summer and freezing cold of winter with no water, medical care or human interaction. This is a hell on earth for these dogs and they have to endure the life of utter misery and agony just to meet their ghastly fate of being electrocuted, hanged, beaten, thrown into boiling water, burned sometimes alive,...

It is hard to believe that a nation such as South Korea which is one of the major economic power (13th largest) and boasts the highest education level in the world is still committing this type of barbaric and inhumane atrocity in this day and age. But for the millions of dogs and cats that are being slaughtered each year in South Korea's markets, slaughterhouses, restaurants, dog farms and in private residences, it is a tragic reality and nightmare that they can't escape from....

Source: In South Korea, dogs are deprived of everything that is natural to them
Author: Petition

Link: It's a dog's life in China: sold for £1m – or stolen and sold as meat

Date: 2012-12-04


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