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Doha talks are not just about climate change—but about our lives and our future: Greenpeace

Doha climate talks plod along as super-typhoon Pablo leaves trail of death and destruction

Press release
December 5, 2012

Doha/Manila — As the world’s leaders once again fail to make substantial progress in the continuing UN climate talks in Doha, thousands of communities in the Philippines are feeling the effect of super typhoon Bopha.

Typhoon Bopha (called ‘Pablo’ in the Philippines) made landfall yesterday, and pounded central and southern Philippines, leaving a trail of death and destruction. The official death toll is more than 200 people and an additional 213,000 were affected by the typhoon. Bopha is just the latest in a string of extreme weather events that have battered the archipelago in recent years. Last year, Typhoon Washi (Sendong) killed at least 1,300 people and left USD 48.4million in damages.

“The UN climate negotiations are not merely about carbon emissions reductions and financing—what’s under negotiation is people’s lives. We are negotiating our future here,” said Kumi Naidoo, Greenpeace International Executive Director. “There should be no hold-up and no delays when lives are at stake and when the world’s future is at stake....

Source: Doha talks are not just about climate change—but about our lives and our future: Greenpeace
Author: Greenpeace

Link: A Plea for a New Climate Strategy - Europe Shouldn't Try So Hard to Save the Planet
Link: Climate Science Predictions Prove Too Conservative
Link: NZ criticised at international climate change talks
Link: PAUL MCCARTNEY thinks 'Meat Free Monday' could help save the planet
Link: Rethinking Global Warming - Experts Call for End to Climate Mega Summits

Date: 2012-12-07

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