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USA: GAP Sues FDA for Wrongful Withholding of Animal Drug Data

Press Release
December 05, 2012

(Washington, DC) – The Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) decision to withhold agency data regarding the sale of antibiotics for use in food animals is unlawful, the Government Accountability Project (GAP) said in a lawsuit filed today.

Drug companies are required to report basic information about antibiotic sales to the FDA under the Animal Drug User Fee Act (ADUFA). Such information includes how much of each drug is sold; whether the drugs are formulated for use in feed, water, or by injection; and the animals for which each drug is approved. FDA publicly releases a limited summary of ADUFA data each year, but withholds almost all of what companies report.

This lawsuit comes after FDA's failure to respond properly to GAP's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the agency, which sought data concerning the amount of antibiotics sold for use in food animals in 2009...

Source: GAP Sues FDA for Wrongful Withholding of Animal Drug Data
Author: Government Accountability Project

Link: Government Accountability Project Sues Food and Drug Administration Over Antibiotics Data
Link: Group sues FDA over animal antibiotics data
Link: Let’s Gang Up on Killer Bugs
Link: Pork: Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Reportedly Found In Test Samples

Date: 2012-12-07

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