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First evidence of ocean acidification affecting live marine creatures in the Southern Ocean

Press Release -
25 Nov 2012
Number: 13/2012

The pteropod (marine snail) Limacina helicina antarctica which is abundant member of the Southern Ocean zooplankton community. Specimens mainly inhabit the top 200 m of oceanic waters where they graze on phytoplankton and detritus. Their shells are made of aragonite, a form of calcium carbonate that can dissolve rapidly. Image provided by Nina Bednarsek

The shells of marine snails – known as pteropods – living in the seas around Antarctica are being dissolved by ocean acidification according to a new study published this week in the journal Nature Geoscience. These tiny animals are a valuable food source for fish and birds and play an important role in the oceanic carbon cycle....

Source: First evidence of ocean acidification affecting live marine creatures in the Southern Ocean
Author: British Antarctic Survey (BAS)

Link: New study helps predict impact of ocean acidification on shellfish
Link: Animals are already dissolving in Southern Ocean acid
Link: Cruise to investigate impacts of ocean acidification
Link: Rise of acid ocean eats away base of food chain

Date: 2012-11-28

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