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Brigitte Bardot writes to Sarah Palin


Paris, 7 Octobre 2008

Madame Sarah Palin
Gouverneur d’Alaska
P.O. Box 110001
Juneau, AK 99811-0001


More than two years ago, I contacted your predecessor to denounce the cruelty of aerial wolf hunting. Today I am shocked to learn that you firmly support this cowardly practice, both morally and financially.

Your fight to keep polar bears off the Endangered Species list even though they are threatened by global warming demonstrates your total irresponsibility, your inability to protect or even respect animal life, but it's true that for you, a good animal is a dead one!

By campaigning for drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, you are putting an already fragile habitat at risk, as well as all the biodiversity of a sensitive area that must absolutely be preserved.

Governor, by denying man's responsibility for global warming, by being a proponent of the right to bear arms and shoot anything that moves, by making numerous declarations of alarming stupidity, you bring shame upon women and represent, all on your own, a terrible threat, a true ecological catastrophe.

Defending life means showing compassion for all the beings that populate this ailing earth. Since we are only on this earth for a short time, think of what you are leaving behind for future generations...

To finish, I beg you to no longer refer to yourself as a 'pit bull with lipstick', since I can assure you that no pit bull, no dog, nor any other animal is as dangerous as you.

In the name of the respect and preservation of nature, I hope that you lose this election, because then the whole world will win!

Brigitte Bardot

Source: Fondation Brigitte Bardot
Author: Fondation Brigitte Bardot

Link: Brutal: Sarah Palin's Record on Aerial Wolf Hunting
Link: Sarah Palin Vs. Polar Bears: 'Adding Them To The [Endangered Species] List Is The Wrong Move'
Link: State will sue over polar bear listing, Palin says
Link: Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin LOVES To Hunt!!
Link: 'Palin acts like she has never met an animal she didn't want shot,' says Priscilla Feral, president of Friends of Animals, based in Connecticut.

Date: 2008-10-08